What is a white separator?
Separators are plate materials that prevent a positive electrode and a negative electrode of batteries from directly contacting each other and maintain the interval of the electrodes so that ion can move between the two electrodes.
Batteries cannot work as batteries unless ion moves between a positive electrode plate and a negative electrode plate with electrolyte as a conductor. So the components to isolate positive and negative electrodes of secondary batteries, maintain electrolyte and secure the ion conductivity between positive and negative electrodes are the roles of separators (isolating plates).
Separators made by a paper making machine mainly contains polyethylene and fine silica powder and because of this we can realize fine pore diameter, superior acid resistance and low electric resistance.
Main materials are white, so the separators are called ‘white separators’. Our white separators contain very small amount of elution impurities, so they can ‘reduce the causes of self-discharge of batteries and so on.’
By conducting curing (heating) processing, we can give them great strength and because of those reasons, we can make them thinner and their resistance lower and can greatly improve the performance/cost ratio of batteries.